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Auctionsniper - what a %$^&*^ng brilliant site. I've won one, lost one (bid was too low, my choice) and got a couple more on the go. I can't really see myself bidding manually ever again. BTW I only found it because of a notification I received as a seller - never would have heard of it otherwise. And the best bit? - the way Sara B. totally destroys anyone who shoots their mouth off complaining when they don't know what they're talking about. I'd want to just crawl into a hole and die. As I said, brilliant!

And as an occasional seller, I can't really see a problem. I currently have an item on sale whose value is fairly well acknowledged - if I thought there were a few snipers out there all trying to guess how high (or even how low) they'd have to go to win I'd be happy. I now look at all rival buyers to see if they snipe - not that many do (at least in the UK).

Got to get this groups thing worked out next.
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