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Zagger asks,

"Can I open on instead of on AuctionSnipe?"

I understand that this has been requested before, but I don't think it's possible at this time.

"Can I alter times as changing times by 6 hours is confusing."

The times are set by eBay and are always US Pacific Time. AS cannot alter the time for you. If you're in the UK then the time differential would be 8 hours.

"What happens if 2 people snipe same amount at same time?"

If the auction closes with no higher bids, the bid accepted and registered first by eBay would be the winner.

"Why do you not recommend sniping at 3 secs?"

Because eBay may not have time to register a bid that close to the auction's end. Sometimes it can, sometimes not. Why do you want to take a chance when a 5-second snipe will have the same outcome with less risk? It is a common failing among new snipers to think that the last bid is important. I use an 8-second interval because it's not who gets the last bid that matters, it's who bids the highest.
I guess there's too few of us in the non-USA for them to take notice at the moment. Wink

I ignore the time on AS as there is no need to watch the clock when AS does all the work for you! Just let the 'X hours to go' be your guide.

[in Brighton - population 1/2 a pier and falling!]

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