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I need some big time help! There are two identical items up for bid on Ebay and I would like one (and only one) of these items. They are up for bid by the same seller and they close within about 2 minutes of each other. I want to make sure I'm doing this right...I set up a Bid Group and moved these two snipes to this bid group and gave them both the same high bid amount. Am I doing this right? I am clueless!! I don't want to end up with two boys blazers that are exactly the same! Thanks for your help!
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Hi Polly and Welcome to the forum.

So long as you are sure!! that the folder is a bidgroup it sounds like you are set to go!!

Just some other little pointers...make your snipe amount an odd instead of $20, make it $20.47 or something along those lines, it may mean you win by a few extra cents. Also make sure you have predetermined your "MAX" snipe, so that you dont have any buyers remorse. Either "Shoot!! I would of paid that much" or "OMG!! I cant believe I paid that much" - you have to find the sweet spot in the middle.

Good Luck!! Big Grin Let us know how you go.


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