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Hi ebayshopper

I'm sorry you missed your auction. There are a few factors that could have caused you to lose.
As rsmiller suggested, it would be helpful to know what your max bid was.

Within that bid range, your bid would have to have been more than .50 higher than the current high bid in order to overcome the necessary bid increment.

I wish I could be of more help, but I'm sure it will be looked into and resolved.
Yep, this is just one of those that didnt make it for whatever reason.

You had a 10 second lead time and your bid was much higher than the winning bid.

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We do our best and send in your snipe from multiple computers in multiple facilities each with different connections to eBay. It's pretty rare that all of them dont make it. Normally it's beyond our control at that point such as eBay not working properly etc. We tried our best and we're not 100% prefect. Sunday is the worst. Maybe 1% fail vs maybe a tenth as many other days. Sorry about that.

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