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newbie here ...

i got sniped last and i am night very very annoyed so now 'i' am sniper! lol

ok i think i get all this but... i still cant win if i dont have the highest $$ amount in my max bid??

so if some else is sniping - and they have .50c more than me as their maximuim - they still win??

McLeods Fan
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Originally posted by mcleodsfan:

newbie here ...

i got sniped last and i am night very very annoyed so now 'i' am sniper! lol

ok i think i get all this but... i still cant win if i dont have the highest $$ amount in my max bid??

so if some else is sniping - and they have .50c more than me as their maximuim - they still win??

McLeods Fan

Hi Mr/Mrs/Ms Fan (or may I call you McLeods?)
I may not have understood the question, but it is probably the most-asked one.
Sniping is no different from typing things in at the keyboard - it just does it automatically. so, as in any auction, the highest bid wins.
Putting in a proxy,manually or by sniping, is no different from a commission bit at a live auction; the bids are managed by the auctioneer until the commission bid is outbid.

PS I think your 0.50c bid would fail! Wink
so... basically sniping is no advantage because there is only one way to win and thats to have the highest bid.

And we never know what that will be... so we still can't win, unless we have a ridiculously high amount as our max bid, and be prepared to pay in excess of what the item is worth.Thanks

Incorrect. Sniping is an extreme advantage because, for various reasons, many, if not most, eBay bidders do NOT bid the full amount they are willing to pay. They only bid as much as they need to stay the top bidder. This is called nibbling. If someone bids higher, then they raise their bids. If no one bids higher, then they leave their lowbal bids alone. Snipers come in at the last minute and swoop the auction away.

There should be no such thing as a ridiculously high bid. NEVER bid more than you are willing to pay for an item. Decide a max price, set it and walk away. If someone else wins with a higher bid, then so be it; he was willing to pay more. But with AS used regularly, you will win most of the time.
Besides the advantage of staying out of the nibbling there are a lot of others.
Just for example.
1. If you find a better gizmo you can cancel your AS bid, but you are stuck with your direct ebay bid.
2. You can use the bid group folders and keep throwing as many of those gizmos as you can find into the folder. You place your max at the price you will pay. You will not overpay in a bidding war that way.
etc. etc. etc. Wink

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