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I have used Auction Sniper for many months without trouble. A few weeks ago every time I log in and try to modify snipes or import new ones I get bumped back to the home page, sometimes it shows I am still logged in, sometimes it asks me to log in again. After doing this multiple times I can usually get it to work but it is taking me 10-15 minutes of frustration each time to get it to work. Why? Confused
Original Post
This was left by Sniper Sara B (AuctionSniper Support) on 4/17/03 at 10:25:

Do you know why the Modify Snipes function keeps throwing me back into the Home Page???


Probably because you're not signed in. Which is probably because you didnt check the "Remember me" box under your username and password when you sign in.

Check it.

Unless you're at a public computer at a library, school, or something like that.

We only keep you signed in a for a few minutes unless you check that box.
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