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Perhaps I can impose on our friendship, region2, just this one time. I know you don’t like requests from forum users, but hopefully you’ll make this tiny exception. Would you ask your Binford 3000 if success, riches, popularity, and happiness are in my future, or am I fated to turn out like you? I realize your policy of only communing with your B3K on REALLY important issues, such as whether an early AS snipe resulted in a competing snipe being placed by a prescheduled/automated snipe, or was a reactive (aka retaliatory) snipe (odd, your Binford always prognosticates that it was prescheduled/automated, regardless of how many “prescheduleds/automates” there were). But, just this once, can’t you ignore your policy?

I, as well as my destiny, appreciate your assistance.

Region2 will now make a mad dash to find a pix (“Wordless in England”).

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