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The kids had a super bowl party here so I was a captive viewer! Jabber and i watched the ads!! Well,I didn't see it, but Jabber and the kids did..Timberlake yanked Janet Jackson's cover from her breast. It made the top news today. People were not too thrilled about it.

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As far as getting edjumacayted, I'm usually taking some sort of course. It's sort of an addiction. This master's that I'm working on should help me find a great job. That's if you believe the University's recruiting literature. Smile My present job is a pretty good one, though, and I may just stay until retirement.
A lot of classics are being banned, challenged, or removed from the schools. So, being the ornery type, (nobody's gonna tell me what is or isn't OK to read!) I've been going out of my way to buy and read the classics off this list:

You wouldn't believe some of the classics listed on here! Mark Twain, John Steinbeck, Chaucer, Gabriel Garcia Marquez, and lots more! Even Little House on the Prairie has been challenged/removed! (Not that I'd call that a classic, lol!)

[This message was edited by Falcon Gal on February 02, 2004 at 07:23 PM.]
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Originally posted by Falcon Gal:
A lot of classics are being banned, challenged, or removed from the schools.

Unbelievable! Unbelievable! Looks that it should be everyone's preferred reading list. I don't suppose anyone is still burning books. I hope that went out of fashion after WWII. Unbelievable!

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