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Just went out for the Mail and find the snowplow has creamed it again -so read it the 23rd psalm.
Went to E-Bay and added one to my snipe list for today. It is Black Plastic and UGLY beyond words. I will pray every night the kids kill it on Haloween or the plow gets it early in winter.
Is there nothing in this world we can't make a little worse and sell a little cheaper? It will undoubtedly outlive me - its too UGLY for anyone to bother with. Surely the Chinese now have reason to call us " Ugly American" as they rivet on the plastic Red flag.
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I should have saved them all. I think this is #14. I could have welded them all into a sculpture and become famous. I am not on the interstate but the plow goes by 65 MPH. One time I got the neighbor kids sled Impaled in my front door. In big storms when they are plowing for 18 hours they get sleepy and wonder a little off course -= thats all it takes. Now that I am putting up a Ugly Plastic box it probably will never happen again. Unless it's smashed at Halloween by kids..When I was a kid we toppled Outhouses - now they smash Mail Boxes
Have you thought about getting one of those little mailboxes that mounts on the side of the house or moving it further from the road? If it's not near the road, the snowplow won't be able to hit it. Smile
We don't have snow or snowplows here, either. The few times that there has been ice on the front porch I've taken the salt shaker outside and salted the steps. No problem. Cool

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Falcon Gal: We don't get mail delivered to our door drop. although every house has one. It's been a custom but a useless one to install them or fake faceplates that look like one.
Our box is out on the road - cantalevered out so the mail carrier can reach out the right window and pickup or deliver as needed. It's a very poor paying ,difficult, and dangerous job - several carriers are killed every year -getting sideswiped by passing cars. Actually , this is a Sniping tale, With AS I sniped 250 copies of a Kenny Rogers CD. Which I give to anyone who contributes anything to our
food pantry, clothing etc. Our next project is to help get our mail carrier another car as her compact can't legaly or safely carry all her kids. It can barely carry the mail - so back to mail boxes.
In town the mail comes to the door BUT you DON'T know your neighbors =like we still do here in the country. & as Martha used to say "Its a Good Thing"
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Rick I just spread the corn...It works great on my Icy steps...I tried kitty litter but the clay tracks into the house as mud = can't use salt as it breaks down the concrete...Now if I get Robins not Pidgeons it will be Great!
The squirels will come back for the Sunflower Seeds and so will Briar Rabbit..I freeze Bacon drips with Peanut Butter and roll the mess in seeds - when the snow is deep I put it on a board after the snow stops...then grab a coffee and watch from inside . Oh, have to explain my snipe at Pidgeons. My neighbor has them - they eat at my place then sit on the telephone line above my car --oopsypoopsy usually hitting the back window.. I move - They Move- -I have a little tarp I put on the back of the car and hold down witha rock but often forget it - then its to the car wash...Nothing is simple . . .
I wouldn't recommend throwing cracked corn at a wedding, but I haven't tried it.

Did you guys go through the whole?.....dont throw confetti as its bad for the ground and hard to clean - so throw rice....WHOOPS!! dont throw rice as the birds eat it and then when they have a drink it expands in their belly and can guess what happens after that Confused Alot of places wont let you throw anything anymore.

Whoops - I am the off topic queen lately huh?


"If you read - you will judge!"
I didn't see it at the wedding but at the reception on the lawn there was a table with 20 12" wands. It started with a couple kids but after the second drink everyone was making giant bubbles 3 ft in diameter and up to six feet long. The wands soak up about an OZ of liquiid and slowly let it release. I think this might catch on - I was told it was first used in an Ice Show. Ive. been looking - I found machines but not the giant wands yet. They are a 12" Orange hoops with a handle and look like they have felt and tiny bristles on one side of the hoop. There is a matching battery operated bubble Gun = poors out a stream of assorted bubbles.
Originally posted by Jabbergah:
I've been at weddings were they hand out little bottles of bubble stuff to blow bubbles. Not very successful if there is a lot of wind or rain, though....

I've always wanted to go to a wedding where they handed out shotguns (actually, I think at ALL weddings there's at least one shotgun). The nice thing about shotguts is that they still work in the wind - not sure about the rain.
Well Rick you missed it by 1 day - Yesterday was the 75th Anniversary of My Mothers Shotgun Wedding. My grandfather, Old Clarence held the doubleought six on Dad as the knot was tied.

Dad had a Harley Motorcycle with sidecar and courted my mother for a week at our farm - After a toss in the hay he left.
Grandfather = old Clarence got in his Ford and tracked Dad all the way to Minnesota - 10 days later the posse was back and the wedding duly held.
The shells stayed in the
gun - over the door - until both sons were 18. Then Dad hightailed it to Alaska.

When Mom passed, I found the paper bag note that Dad left on the nightstand "Sorry Elnora, It's Not Going To Work - Dave" ==

But the old Remington Ruled Differently. No Gown, Flowers, Diamond, Rice Or Bubbles - - -
Now that was a Real Fort Benton Wedding.
Originally posted by Mory:
Well Rick you missed it by 1 day - Yesterday was the 75th Anniversary of My Mothers Shotgun Wedding. My grandfather, Old Clarence held the doubleought six on Dad as the knot was tied.


You just never know what's going to be the result when you throw something out on this forum. I was very amazed that you actually had the cracked-corn and used it on the same day as my post.
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RICK IT WORKS GREAT. the small bag I had purchased for bird feed and it was $3 for 4lbs at the supermarket Now that I'm putting it on the Ice I'm going to get it at the Mill- Feedstore which is much cheeper. We are in the middle of a 3 day Ice storm now so will spread a bushel this afternoon all the way out to the mail box.

I went to the farm next door to buy a bushel but
his has been sprayed already with molasses, and was too powdry. I did get a feed bag to take to the mill though.. I'm thinking of bagging up a few bags for friends. Thanks Rick
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Now all I need is a six X 12" board to mount it. So I can order from the dealer for $8 postpaid or head to town.. The lumber yard has a free scrap box so guess I will look there.
Kinda wish the dealer had said 6 x 12 mounting board required - I would have had one ready. On the other hand If I buy a candy dish it doesn't say candy required. But, toy ads say batteries not included. But, tires don't come with Rims.. It's a shame the sun is out and I could be mounting the world's Ugliest Mailbox. It makes me wonder if they are selling Mail Boxes or Boards. A "positive" is really stretching....but so be it..
I got a board for free at the Lumber yard and they had the mail box I bought for the same price. They all come without boards I'm told.
I just like shopping on the net... Always something coming every day.

Had to buy new furnace filters anyway - am doing my midwinter furnace cleaning & oiling Saturday.

I just got a CD that I bought in December - it came Media Mail $1.38...5 weeks enroute..No wonder the UPS is killing the PO.

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