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Thank-you! Thank-you! Thank-you! Thank-you! Thank-you! Thank-you! Thank-you! Thank-you!

Lexie - you sent me to the site that told me why I wasn't able to clean my computer and how to do it so that the virus protector could get rid of it. Thank-you! Thank-you! Thank-you! Thank-you! Thank-you!

Puppy - Your site gave the removal tool to get rid of that blasted virus! Thank-you! Thank-you! Thank-you! Thank-you! Thank-you!

If you ever need something made - let me know! I owe you both BIG time!!

I really can't thank-you folks enough!!

Giant hugs to you,

Six inches Lord, that's all I need!
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It feels so good to be virus free! After reading the Symantec page, I discovered that a lot of viruses come from Kazaa and that it was on the top of the list for spreading the MyDoom virus. My daughter and son-in-law like downloading the music from there and I'm just as guilty. But we have all learned our lesson and I have even gone as far as removing the Kazaa program from my computer so that we aren't tempted!!

Again -thanks SO much!!


Six inches Lord, that's all I need!
Do you pay for Kazaa Crafty?

I have been through them all I think, starting with Napster, then Blubster, then Audio Galaxy (which was/is the BEST I think), then Kazaa and Kazaa Ares or Imesh. Both of which I hate!!

I am not for or against downloading for free. I ALWAYS pay to support my favorites, but I have been known to download heaps of songs.

I actually sprung some bloke tapped into my personal pics file via Kazaa and downloading them. I was totally mortified and quickly got rid of them. They werent even in the share folder.

That MyDoom is as sneaky as they come too, dont be surprised if you get a "mail system delivery" error that tries to bounce it back to you from another address book. Thats one of the ways it reinfects.

Scumsuckinglittlebastardofathing. Smile


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