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I won't go far... and thanks for caring. And I'm not leaving AS - still using it. Just am feeling like I've overstepped some invisible line in the forum... maybe I'm just being insecure, but that's how I'm feeling.

...and tired of fighting AS support staff to get ideas heard, and problems addressed, if that makes any sense at all. And also, been thinking I've been posting too much and being too long-winded and opinionated, and likely annoying.

I'm sorry, I seem to have created a stir with my "taking a hiatus" statement... was not my intention.

I will pop in and will still put in my 2 cents now and then, but I'm going to try to refrain from my long annoying posts.

I'm open to email and instant messenger chat - both are dagnabitgrabit on yahoo.

Thanks again... and pass this along to anyone else in the gang who might wanna know.

diva (aka Dag)
Diva, I have been attacked for posting too much and if you read the archives, you will see that a lot of people have been for one thing or another. Please, remember, this is our forum. You may post what you like as long as it is not foul. If someone doesn't like it, it only takes a click of the mouse to move on to the next post.If we had every post the same, it sure would be boring. I see no line you have EVER stepped over. Smile

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Hi Diva

I have been following your situation with AS "support", and I just wanted to offer you some encouragement.

I have to agree with you in your opinion of AS "support" kicking back and allowing the members of this forum help other members with their technical problems.

As you so eloquently stated,

"I feel that the experienced users in this forum go FAR out of their way to help people and are in effect unpaid customer service and public relations reps for AS, and have created a sense of community here. I think they are just as much a reason why AS is successful, and I also think they divert a lot of problems and sooth a lot of angry first-time snipers. If As didn't have these people, I think there would a lot of lost business."

There is a lot of truth to this statement and I wouldn't want you to have to compromise the enjoyment you get from adding to this forum or the benefit that others might receive just because technical "support" doesn't want to get involved.

I too, would like you to continue to post your feelings in the forum and offer assistance to those that ask for it.

There has been no line crossed - only a line drawn.

I, and others like you support and encourage your opinions and posts to this forum.
You add a lot of value to the forum and whether or not AS "support" agrees, is irrelevant.

Sometimes it takes a strong opinion just to be heard.


Here's my 5 cents (don't want to short-change you Wink):

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That's it. There isn't any "invisible line". If there was, I've crossed it several times.

As for foul language, I've only once seen Sara take action. The filters take care of the rest. Since I can say "crap" and "pissed", I figure AS has a fairly liberal definition of "foul".

There's only two peoples opinion's that I'm concerned about - my own and Sara's (of course, Mrs. M is a force to be reckoned with Eek).

Also, since I read your posts, I do not find them to be "long annoying posts". If I did, I wouldn't read them. And for some of us, your posts gives us something to do while waiting for someone to complain about "InstaMail". Big Grin

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Thanks guys.

If you read my last reply to WarriorNun's reply to my post the now dreaded thread about missing "My Snipes" list, you will see my feathers are even more ruffled.

I guess I did exactly what I hadn't intended to when I joined in here in the first place. There are just some days, weeks, months, when it is just best to keep your mouth shut. I can't seem to just remain neutral (which is the only way to remain neither really liked or really disliked). And because I can't, I should just not get involved, because I do not have a tough enough skin to handle the backlash when I do loudly voice my opinion.

And I'm not always right about what I say or think... no one is... stupidity is universal. There is no way I can explain my one statement that makes it sound like I'm expecting special treatment without digging my hole further. There is an explanation to my statement, but it will only sound like an excuse. And who knows, maybe I WAS intending to say I expect special treatment. Re-reading what I typed sure sounds that way. Whether it was my intention for it to sound that way, I can't take it back now.

From now on if I post at all I'm going to try my damnednest to make it strictly factual and non-emotional. If anyone chooses to chat with me in yahoo or exchange emails, then I might let a little more of "me" out. But this is just NOT the place to get personal... THAT is the invisible line I forgot about and crossed. I opened myself up to criticism and dislike with absolute strangers. I'm sure I'm on AS's troublemaker list by now too!

Live and learn, right?

diva (aka Dag)

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