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Hi guys , the same thing happend to me! I have a 5 sec lead time and here are the details.
Item number: 3880328806
User ID: Bid Amount Date of bid

droidjw ( 29) £2.54 15-Mar-05 21:00:00 GMT

goodrood ( 92) £2.34 15-Mar-05 20:59:53 GMT

goodbuy01 (private) £2.02 15-Mar-05 18:23:10 GMT

batterymanpaul ( 113) £1.99 14-Mar-05 16:31:54 GMT

Many thanks

Is this a US / UK time difference problem ??
AS does have a problem trying to figure out lag time, and they've decided that bidding early is better than bidding late. I think most of us agree - but it is annoying when you're out-sniped! It's a small tradeoff when you consider the time saved from not having to be in front of your computer with multiple windows open, fingers trembling in anticipation. Frankly, I'd rather be sleeping Smile
Goodrood - Other than Auction Sniper, I have only used sniping software installed on my own computer - some of the programs worked beautifully until the developer decided keeping up with eBay's changes was too much of a bother, other programs had to have a lead time of about 15-20 seconds to work properly and one program was unable to recognize my 'always on' internet connection and kept telling me it couldn't connect to the internet Smile

And none of the programs had bid groups - which has become a favorite for me ever since I learned a little patience ultimately pays off (and for the times I need instant gratification, I just use the 'buy it now' feature)!

Oh, and I've only found one other product that will bid on 'Mature Audience' auctions [not that I would use that feature Eek]
Hey Jim!
Hi guys , the same thing happend to me! I have a 5 sec lead time and here are the details. Item number: 3880328806
I looked at the last few auctions your competition (droidjw) won, and the pattern is the same. Other than a few BINs, they always bid once on an item in the last 10 secs -- true fellow sniper! I'm quite sure IN THIS INSTANCE they planned to place that (eventual) winning bid irregardless of yours or anyone else's bid -- NOT in RESPONSE to it. That being the case, your problem is NOT finding a sniping service that will place your bid closer to the end of the auction -- it's finding the extra money to place a higher bid! Wink

Sniping is a bidding STRATEGY to avoid nibblers & bidding wars, but it DOESN'T circumvent how auctions basically work -- the HIGHEST bid ALWAYS WINS no matter WHEN it is placed, at the beginning or near the end of the auction listing.

Snipe on!
It’s true that the highest bid wins the auction (with at least one tiny exception) and not the last bid. But, as love2bet’s auctions point out, the earlier the snipe the greater the potential that the highest bid will become higher. That’s why one should snipe; to avoid nibblers. And the reason to use AS is so one doesn’t have to have dinner interrupted.
I agree, i love the fact that you dont have to sit and watch the auction. The MAIN reason i snipe is to avoid a bidding war. I'm quilty of doing this when i started. Adrenaline starts and before you know it, you're paying more than you should for that item. Thanks all for the replies to this thread. But any real reasons why AS was sending in the bid earlier than expected by lead time? Thanks
Originally posted by love2bet:
Thanks all for the replies to this thread. But any real reasons why AS was sending in the bid earlier than expected by lead time?


Guess I’ll take a swing at this.

From AS’ FAQ’s:
Our snipe servers try to adjust for eBay server lag and internet lag, so that eBay processes your snipe with the lead time you’ve specified. However, although the vast majority of snipes do go through on time, eBay can take longer (or shorter) to process your snipe.

From AS’ Top 10 Questions:
These servers adjust for eBay server lag according to how long their average server is taking.

Well, that adjusting of lead-time to get the snipe in on time is, as it says, an “average”. I think response times are changing so rapidly on ebay, that trying to determine the amount of time that is required to place a snipe with the specified lead-time is a bit difficult. So, in your two auctions, the lead-time was earlier then it needed to be, otherwise someone couldn’t have come in and placed multiple snipes. In the case of the first auction you posted, the same bidder was able to place 2 retaliatory snipes (in addition to their first snipe) in the 29 seconds that remained in the auction after your snipe was placed. That auction was on Sunday night, and the auction ended on the exact quarter hour. That combination has the reputation of requiring extra time to have the snipe placed. It may have been that right before your auction closed, ebay’s response time was poor. Then, during the last 30 seconds of your auction, the response time improved. That’s what it looks like. Kind of difficult to hit a moving target.

I’m not sure that’s the “real reason”, but if no one else comments, you might say that it’s gotten tacit approval. Maybe AS support will comment.

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