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Hi Gang
I'm back, following a couple of doses in hospital - a TIA followed by a CVA - in effect, a veritable brace of TLAs.
Fortunately the problem has now been diagnosed and sorted, but the resulting dysphasia was very scary. I knew where I was, but speaking resulted in all the wrong sounds - like Klingon (no change there, some will say Wink). Eventually this came back, followed by writing, then typing. Still takes a bit of thought to compose sentences, so maybe posts will not be quite as frequent, and I will be even more of a pedantic git due to my precious language being hard-won. Big Grin
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Thanks everyone - what a great bunch you all are! TLA = three letter acronym Wink
Yes - it was a stroke - because no-one got the underlying cause soon enough before the second episode occurred. Bummer is that I cannot drive for three months, and alcohol is limited because of the rat-poison (warfarin) that prevents clotting.
Dysphasia is weird - although I could read a book perfectly, I could not say words Frown
Ta Falcon;

I looked them up in my wife's text-books. There's more acronyms in there than in a Japanese video recorder hand-book! We are becoming a very acronymious society.

Now I am more knowledgeable, perhaps no wiser but we can't have everything.

No driving and no alcohol Mike? Double whammy! Sounds like you'd better avoid sharp objects as well.

I know what your going through Mike. I too had Dysphasia. The result of Status Seizures that also wiped out 15 years of memory. The hardest part for me was to understand what people were saying and to read a book. I still can't read a book and keep every one and every thing straight. Not to mention spelling. R-2, you once mentioned how hard can proper spelling be, believe me it can be very hard. My thoughts and prayers are with you Mike. Speech therapists are often very helpful. I wish you the best.

Again, thanks a million, folks. The alcohol is just a bit limited to 2 units a day - that equates to 2 small glasses of wine or a bottle of real ale, so not too bad.
No driving is a pain as we tend to go camping in both UK and Europe, so I hope the 3-month ban is sufficient.
I have been back at work, and my back is not as painful, so I have managed to do some clock repairing today on one of ours:

Jake - sounds like there are different types of dysphasia - the first time, reading was fine, then speech followed, then writing aloud, finally typing. The second time only the speech went.
Fingers crossed, the drugs they should have got be months ago will not sort it - I have at least 2 decades of things to do yet!
I have been overwhelmed by the number of people that have visited me, done things for me, emailed, sent cards, sent wishes to all my forums and such. I always knew that people are mostly good Big Grin

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