Again, thanks a million, folks. The alcohol is just a bit limited to 2 units a day - that equates to 2 small glasses of wine or a bottle of real ale, so not too bad.
No driving is a pain as we tend to go camping in both UK and Europe, so I hope the 3-month ban is sufficient.
I have been back at work, and my back is not as painful, so I have managed to do some clock repairing today on one of ours:
Jake - sounds like there are different types of dysphasia - the first time, reading was fine, then speech followed, then writing aloud, finally typing. The second time only the speech went.
Fingers crossed, the drugs they should have got be months ago will not sort it - I have at least 2 decades of things to do yet!
I have been overwhelmed by the number of people that have visited me, done things for me, emailed, sent cards, sent wishes to all my forums and such. I always knew that people are mostly good