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OK i only found out about sniper last week and have been using it since i have bidded on 3 items and have won all 3 items and even better have got the items for a lot less than my max bid due to me not getting a bid war started items i have won are 1)home theatre speakers
2)portable dvd player 3)matrix framed signed poster with certificate of authenticity signed by 3 cast members
well im not the brightest spark when it comes to computers and the net but if i can use sniper any one can
so for now
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Congrats on your wins! Don't get the wrong idea, though. Someday someone will come along that's willing to pay more than you and therefore will win even though you get your bid in last. But those wins sure feel great, don't they! Wink

Good to see a newbie sniper stacking up experience and successes! Wink

This is actually a great topic! Forum participants can come here and share their recent sniping success stories. I've done a few BIN deals lately, but haven't had any recent snipe successes.

My next snipe scheduled to fire off in an hour or so is already under the current bid, so that's not going thru. Frown I'm using my snipes trying for bargains again. Wink

Snipe on!

Hi, WELCOME, CONGRATS. and all that stuff.
As the others said, sooner or later you will lose some. Especially if you are looking for bargains.
That is why we use the BID GROUPS (find how in HELP and in threads here in the forum. If you do your research and know what the true value is and what you are willing to pay for it, sooner or later you will get it at your price. Unless it is one of a kind, handmade in 1492 or the like; another one will be along. Best of luck and good sniping.... Big Grin

"Shop" and My Snipes

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