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You are now chatting with 'Melea P.'
Melea P.: Hello! Welcome to Live Help! My name is Melea. How can I help you today?
poseidonhealer: I don't understand the reason behind this bid winning, I'm not mad, the other guy had the higher bid, but I thought he'd have to win by 1.00 dollar just trying to understand, learn alittle
Melea P.: Let me look at that.
poseidonhealer: Sure...
Melea P.: Ok.
poseidonhealer: yes, I'm here
Melea P.: If the person before you put their maximum bid at a certain amount and it was under the next possible increment, they could still win because of proxy bidding. Does that make any sense at all?
Melea P.: This is what our help page says- it may explain it better: A bidder may be outbid by less than a full increment. This would happen if the winning bidder's maximum bid beats the second highest maximum by an amount less than the full increment.
poseidonhealer: but the bid would have to be dated (timed) before mine... right?
poseidonhealer: it would be timed before my bid... but more than my bid
Melea P.: Yes.
poseidonhealer: but the stamped time was after my bid...
poseidonhealer: one second after... he should have had to bid at 27.01
Melea P.: The bid history does not show all of the bids that actually take place in an auction. If the proxy bidding system takes over, it will not show all of the "back and forth" bidding between bidders, it will only show the initial bid. The person who won had the very first bid.
poseidonhealer: I understood that even if the same person made a bid, then later raises that bid with no other person bidding inbetween those two bids by the same person... the "bid counter" would show the bid but the "bidding history" would only show the one person bidding..... however this is not what happenned... he was out bidded, and did bid again until later
poseidonhealer: even if the poxy bidding would take over, it would stamp the poxy bid at the time the poxy bid was made....
Melea P.: Yes, you are right! You may want to write in and leave us an email so we can look into this further.
poseidonhealer: to who? can you be specific? which department or specific contact?
Melea P.: Sure. Let me give you a link.