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I have news for you. All systems are not a go. I just tried to add a snipe and after cutting and pasting the auction number onto the AS page, I got "Cant find auction" warning. I had to hit the add button three times before it fanally added the auction to my snipes page. I then hit the verify link as I always do and got the same message I've gotten since Sun.

"General Notice
We are currently unable to verify your username and password. This could be a temporary connection problem to eBay from our website servers. Our sniping service has multiple server locations, so even if you can not verify from the website at this time, your snipes should still be placed. If this problem persists, please contact support via the 'help' tab."

Even with this mutiple server location assurance, I'm not about to leave it up to AS to bid on this auction. This is the third or fourth time in the past year that I've had auction bids not placed because of problems with AS. And as usual, I file a reprot with support and they tell me it's an eBay problem.

[edited for readablity]
Last edited by snipersarab
All systems are operating correctly.

I verified your account Laserguy. Your snipes will fire correctly. When we can't log in we set that flag in accounts so people that may have changed their password can update them if needed. It may have been set off yesterday when eBay changed their signin page and we had to update our system. It's working fine now.
Actually Mature Audience items can't be added as a snipe right now. I'm not sure how you got it to work after clicking the add button 3 times, but I just tried probably 20 times and couldn't get it to work.

I'm sure it has something to do with eBays login changes yesterday. They probably haven't been updated for adult items. We'll fix that Thursday. Thank you for pointing that out.
We snipe from many servers. Usually only the primary onsite servers are used for the confirmation files. It likely means we didnt get a reply on that snipe from one of our main bidders. The backups may have a confirmation file or may also not have one. There has been a slightly higher number of missed bids since eBays changes but still only about 1 in 750 bids. It's normally about 1 in 2500. A lot of the times we go days without missing bids. So something is up from the eBay changes. They are now blocking a large # of buyers from bidding at all. Locking out their accounts for suspicious activity and such. We're still reconciling what is happening with the bids few bids a day that are being missed.

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