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Sara and/or Steve;

It seems that a lot of the questions that appear in this forum have been answered a gazillion times. It must drive you both nuts. It obviously is starting to get to me. This forum provides a "search" function. Questions about "referrals" and "updating" (and several more), could be easily answered by using this function.
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Rick, I can only speak for myself but I look at it as a continuous influx of new subscribers to AS who are not familiar enough with the system to know to search for discussion topics. It's been a while since I went to the FAQ page but I'm sure there's something about searching there. Maybe the AS powers that be should consider putting a notice about the availability of the archives someplace prominent, where newcomers are likely to see it, together with simple 1-2-3 instructions about how to access earlier discussions.

Personally, I don't mind answering the same questions over and over again because it shows me that AS is alive and growing, which means it'll stick around for a while. Maybe if you'll look at the situation as being similar to a teacher facing a brand-new class it'll put it in a different perspective for you. Smile
One way this problem is handled at other sites is to have a "Please read before posting" message pinned to the top of each forum. This permanent message could have links to the FAQ and also could request that users search the forum for an answer before posting a new question. Not everyone is familiar with the etiquette of message boards, and others need reminding from time to time.
Would it work?

We have a whole help tab and all of this is answered there and people dont read that.

So if we posted a sticky note at the top of this forum with a post that said to go read our help tab and FAQ's do you think people would?

Or do we need to duplicate them and post them right here too, and then each time we change one, update both files and put the update here again. etc.
You're dealing with human nature - not everyone sees everything on the page(s) so when they see a forum that fields questions it's only natural to ask away.

I'm a programmer - I've found that with a new language you learn more from asking others (and, of course, practising) than by reading a manual...
Of course, the question everybody keeps asking and has been totally ignored by Sara and everybody else at AS is what does the status message "DID NOT WIN" mean. It's not in the docs, and it happens on snipes that would seem to would have won if they were properly placed with ebay.

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