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Yesterday evening, I created a new bid group with four items in it, set up to win two of them. I imported my auctions, saved everything, added comments, refreshed, exited and came back -- in short, did everything I could think of to make sure it was really set up and ready to go.

Today I came back and discovered that I won the first auction, but the other three are just gone. Instead of saying I won 1 of 2, it says I won 1 of 1, and all the other pending snipes are just gone. Deleted. I've tried all the views, and I'm current looking at All Snipes, All Folders, and they just aren't there. And no, there are not more than 25, so no second page. And there's still more than enough money in my account to cover the fees, so that's not it, either.

What's going on????

Since I relied on AS to keep track of the auctions for me, I didn't keep them in my ebay watch list... so now I've got to go see if I can hunt them down again.

shirley's not happy...

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...issues going on here.

First off, haven't seen ya in a while! Glad to see ya! Smile

Second, in the recent revision of bid groups, the way they NOW seem to work is when you WIN your set number of items in the bid group, any remaining scheduled snipes are NOT just cancelled like they were in the past -- they ARE DELETED! I and a few other forum members kind of preferred the old way.

Third, setting a bid group up for multiple wins and it defaulting to ONE WIN is DEFINITELY a bug and you should report it to AS pronto. Glad the bug was found, but sorry you missed out on your wins. Frown

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Shirley, HI !

The '1 of 1' instead of '1 of 2' is the problem.

Haven't used bid groups lately, but from reading on the forum AS changed how they handle 'extra' snipes in a bid group. It used to be they kept these, but didn't bid on them. AS now deletes remaining snipes once you've won the number you want. Frown

Could be a problem created when they made this change, or a mistake you made when setting up the group. (You seem to be a smart lady, but had to include the latter as a possibility Wink)

(edit) just not fast enough....

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Thanks for the welcome back -- nice to be remembered (grin). We've actually been pretty busy at work for the last couple of weeks, which is a nice change of pace! But means I've GOTTA start getting some sleep... And once you miss a day or two here, it's SO HARD to catch up! You people are just so entertaining, it takes hours to read all the wonderful posts! (or to read through all the ho-hum ones so you don't miss the gems...)

I did manage to relocate the second auction in my bid-group, which is also ending tonight, and it has already gone way over my max. So no major loss. But yes, I filed a support case. I agree, I don't like the idea that the rest of the auctions would just be deleted -- what if I changed my mind and wanted three instead of two? Or the seller contacts me right after the end of the auction to say "Oops, it broke"? Or you're searching for different versions, and you end up with A and C but you want to go back for B? All that research, all those notes, down the drain...

Oh, well, I guess it's still better than the alternative -- either submitting myself to a proxy-war or spending my whole day in front of the computer instead of having a nice dinner with friends.

So which of the umpteen-gazillion topics in the past two weeks is a "don't miss"? (grin)

Originally posted by Puppy Raiser:

(You seem to be a smart lady, but had to include the latter as a possibility Wink)

Thanks for the vote of confidence, puppy -- but since my resume isn't involved here, I'll be the first to admit that I'm certainly capable of making a mistake. Don't THINK so in this case, though, since I double checked. After all that strangeness a couple of weeks ago (deleted auctions that kept reappearing) I wasn't taking any chances... or so I THOUGHT...

Anyway, no major harm done. It's a computer game -- not something I actually NEED!

Last edited {1} & smiley, Mrs.M. CRAZY cat, Shirley!

I just e-mailed a suggestion to AS that included a suggestion to double check the win number of bid groups is working correctly. I also requested the old practice of CANCELLING, not deleting, leftover bid group snipes be restored. We'll see what happens.


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