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1. Primary rule: place a bid in your AS snipe that is the Maximum amount you are will to pay for the widget you're looking at. That way, if you get outbid, you won't mind that someone else was willing to OVERPAY Eek (in your opinion) for the item. Another one is bound to come along!

2. Lead time: Lots of opinions here! Awww just pick a time between 6 & 19 seconds!

Submit your snipe and relax! Check back after the auction and see how you did!

Good luck!

I heard that recently there has been a 1 in 60 chance of your snipe not going through if your lead time is under 10 seconds. So if you are feeling cautious, I'd say to put in 10 seconds or more. My snipe of 6 seconds went through the other night, and I won. Also, remember to bid in odd amounts, pretty much EVERYONE reccomends this. Other bidders can't predict you as well if you put in $23.97 instead of $20. I always put in an odd number, and vary it from other numbers I have used in the past. It helps a lot. Also, put in your ABSOULTE MAX. It really stinks when you lose and think "I would have been willing to bid higher and might have won!". Sometimes, a particular item just doesn't come up on eBay a lot...and this can cause you to put in a higher amount than on other items. It's your call. ^_~ I bid on very rare things, so usually I put in some high amounts unless I am on a budget (such as now with the holidays right around the corner and lots of saving needs to be done concerning unrelated matters). Good luck on your first snipe! Hope you win!

I find that 10 to 15 seconds works just fine all the time. If others are sniping they will have already placed their snipes. Still the highest bid wins. If a user is waiting online to do a manual snipe there is usually not enough response time under 30 seconds to outbid. Not only that they would have to make one quick guess as to what your highest bid is and hope for the best.

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