I used AuctionSniper.com to win this item. As a seller, you can
earn $5 for every new user that you refer. Simply paste these
lines into your end of auction emails, and click this link for
more details: ]http://www.auctionsniper.com/seller/
Snipe eBay and win more auctions. Use what others are using to
beat you! Unattended, last second, auction sniping. It's as easy as
bidding on eBay, and we do the rest. Free trial.
http://www.auctionsniper.com/?from={AS user’s e-mail address}.
As professional a service AuctionSniper is, it is truly surprising how ham handed the AS folks are with the “sales pitch” in the InstaMail notes! First off, why TWO paragraphs?!? It looks like you’re trying too hard!

The first paragraph is directed to an eBay seller (which makes sense since the e-mail IS going to a seller), BUT it seems quite presumptuous to think a seller would include a link in their correspondence with buyers promoting a service they have not had a chance to try out themselves!?! Consequently, it seems to me it would be best to approach the seller as a potential bidder (which they probably ARE!) and a new AS user. Once they’ve successfully used the service, they may be more inclined to include a reference/link to AS in their e-mails to their buyers. To include such a suggestion in a presumably first contact is just premature! Thusly, paragraph #1 should be scratched completely.
The second paragraph is the one that I think offends

What >I< would very much like to see replacing those 2 paragraphs in all my InstaMail notes is a BRIEF LOW-KEY recommendation for the AS service. How about something similar to the following SINGLE paragraph:
My winning bid in this auction was placed by AuctionSniper.
To learn more about how this service may help you win
more eBay auctions and get your free introductory trial, visit
http://www.auctionsniper.com/?from={AS user’s e-mail address}.
What are the thoughts of everyone else? Are there any other suggestions for the “promotional paragraph” or thoughts about it? Sara, what are the chances of such an “improvement” happening?