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We're working on this, and it should be fixed in the next hour or two if not sooner.

This is the second widespread malfunction in a month. Yikes!

eBay makes changes, the site breaks. That's how it goes. They arent our fault and we fix them as soon as possible.

A real malfunction would be us not placing snipes.
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I can't calculate how much I've benefitted from the amazing AS effectiveness and accuracy, and the other incredibly useful features, and I am a 100% grateful and committed fan!

I've said it before: the service is so good, I have come to rely on it in many ways. The only way I can know that a disruption isn't an indication of something serious, is if you tell me.

You can see how the discussion among users goes on until you tell us what's happening, and that you're working on a solution. Don't view this as an unfair criticism of AS or its support and tech system. It's not. It's simply a request for help.
R2 ... I haven't done a support case for that error I got the other day.
Nor have I - I have in the past but I just get support telling me that it's being worked on as part of the development so not worth it...

Mind you - I just had support tell me that I had three open support cases from 2002. Two were about searches (still not working), the other was obviously closed...


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Nor have I - I have in the past but I just get support telling me that it's being worked on as part of the development so not worth it...

I filed one today. I had 2 pending. One I think doesnt matter anymore coz it was when the system was glitchy the other nite. (when your win wasnt showing as a win). The other one I got some free snipes Smile


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