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I know I run Norton Internet Security and I have to disable it for a lot of things, including this and even to schedule on the new AS listing program! I Am not suggesting anyone do this, however, I seem to have to do this to make some things work! I did have the AS engineers work on the problem and this was the only solution they could offer me. I am not too parinoid about it. As soon as I finish I turn it back on. Yes, I realize "something" could happen in those few moments, but hey, my heart might stop beating about then too! Wink
Last edited by mrsm
Originally posted by Serenity:
I Am not suggesting anyone do this, however, I seem to have to do this to make some things work! I did have the AS engineers work on the problem and this was the only solution they could offer me. I am not too parinoid about it. As soon as I finish I turn it back on. Yes, I realize "something" could happen in those few moments, but hey, my heart might stop beating about then too! Wink
Thanks for adding that, Serenity. Wink
Same here, I opened a ticket on this last night and was told it's an ebay problem and My Ebay shouldn't work either. WRONG. My Ebay works just fine, everything functions perfectly, it's JUST AS that does not work. Import Wizard gives nothing, and I do not use Norton or any other firewall beyond my router, which has never EVER caused a problem with a single other service or site, and I use a LOT of things. I really want this fixed because without it, AS is essentially useless to me.
Iforgot to mention that nortons internet security is really picky especially if its installd in conjunction with their Anti virus.Its even worst with SP2.Now Im not saying that this would act up the same with everybody,Its just that almost 70% of friends that i know using Nortons internet security with their nortons AV are having problems.They uninstalled Nortons IS and used Zone alarm instead and it started running smooth.
Originally posted by vanclute:
Same here, I opened a ticket on this last night and was told it's an ebay problem and My Ebay shouldn't work either. WRONG. My Ebay works just fine, everything functions perfectly, it's JUST AS that does not work.
Odd response for AS to make since you are able to bring up your My Ebay. Perhaps they will find something within their own software.

Originally posted by vanclute:
and I do not use Norton
Obviously, Norton isn't the problem.
Posted Jun 24, 2:49 AM
If you have a firewall you might wanna disable it first then after you have imported your snipes turn it back on


I think what you say may not be a " cure-all" for everyone, but probably does cause this problem when the firewall is turned on. Of course, this is also part of my Norton program.
Well, no further response from AS yet, and I still can't import snipes. *shrug* Not sure what to do, AS isn't particularly useful without a way to easily add items to potentially be sniped in mass quantity. I'd like to be able to just hand it a particular favorite search in My Ebay and have it snipe the entire search until it wins one of those items in the search at my requisite pricing. Of course, handling multiple currencies would be awkward, but I could find a way around that.

Oh well... AS was a cool idea but...


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