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an Apple iPod.

Why do I want one?? I dont know, but I just want one!!!

Do I need one?? Not particularly - but I still want one!!

Are they bloody expensive in Australia?? Yes!! I cant believe how expensive they are.

I am gonna start a bid group today and I am gonna win one ONE DAY for WHAT I WANT TO PAY!!

I also want a *Smart Screen* but I cant seem to find one on ebay - at the moment.

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We're Mac users at my house (PCs at work) and love them. Without doubt, iPods will revolutionize how music is done. For the first time, Apple has some good marketing sense, is working our deals with other makers, etc. You can download great tunes from the Apple store and carry all your favorites everywhere in almost no space at all. Like all technology, we'll soon get more and more music in smaller and smaller devices. Maybe we'll just have something like Star Trek communicator pins someday! Anyway, gotta love that iPod!

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