Hi Coralbelle!
Don't worry about nasty e-mails re: sniping from bidders or buyers. You'll only get those from people who don't have a life!

Don't feel guilty about winning auctions regardless of WHEN you place your bid, because it is the HIGHEST bid that wins, not necessarily the LAST bid placed. I've been sniped a few times -- my response? -- "You turkey!"

& a knowing grin!

I think your concern about nasty e-mails comes from your first impression of sniping on an auction of your own. Yes, the auto-reply note AS can send for successful snipers is OBVIOUSLY self-serving for AS -- it's probably one of, if not THE best ways to pick up new clients! Afterall, it's how YOU found AS! (And we're happy you did!)

I think because you mentioned in another post that your initial impression of the sniper & the AS post-auction auto e-mail note was negative, you tend to think everybody else thinks the same way. My guess would be you are in the minority. There are those sellers who think POSITIVELY about snipers

(afterall, the final winning bid is RAISED by snipers by at least one, sometimes SEVERAL, bid increments!) Then there are those sellers (probably by far the VAST majority!) who are for the most part completely ambivalent. They DON'T CARE WHO wins or when or how many times they bid on their auction. They just want the successful bidder to PAY for their item promptly and leave good feedback! Did the buyer snipe their auction (either manually or with a sniping program like AS)? THEY DON'T CARE?! Just SHOW THEM THE MONEY!

Even though I use the post auction auto e-mail to sellers, I've never gotten negative e-mail from a seller OR a competitive bidder. However recently, I DID learn from a seller about a disgruntled fellow bidder that I successfully sniped. (This item was a book for <$5 and I sniped an amount that was ONLY about one bid increment above the current high bid.) Apparently the disgruntled bidder e-mailed the seller and implied the seller & I (the successful sniping

bidder!) were in collusion to avoid selling the book so cheap. The bidder did a little bit of investigation and found that both the bidder & I were located in the same state, sufficient evidence for that bidder that we were acting together!

"So," the losing bidder concluded in his e-mail to the seller, "NOW how much do you want for the book?!" I was DELIGHTED to be included in the conspiracy theory, although not a whit was true! I e-mailed the seller and communicated my enjoyment of the losing bidder's accusations and machinations! I also said, "If the guy REALLY WANTED the book, he should have BID MORE!"

There is NOTHING WRONG with sniping! It is a legitimate bidding technique in auctions. And AuctionSniper makes it so much more easy to do than trying to accomplish it manually. The BOTTOM LINE is whoever bids THE MOST (regardless of WHEN their bid is placed during the auction) is the ONE WHO WINS!

Now repeat after me: "I am an auction sniper, and I am still a GOOD PERSON!"


Got a little wordy, didn't I?!

Snipe on!
