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I sniped with a maximum of twice the highest bid going into the last 5 seconds of an auction. But someone else got it by bidding$1 higher than me, I guess by using proxy bidding and submitting the higher bid earlier! Any defense against this? Should I cover my bets by using proxy bidding and A.S.? Proxy bidding would have told me 2 hours ago that I was outbid, then I could have decided whether I wanted to raise the stakes. With using A.S., I'm not going to really know if I'm bidding high enough until the last second, then it's too late! Any suggestions?
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The simple answer is: Decide what your max mid is, and then bid that. If the bid you placed thru AS was not the maximum you were willing to pay, then you do run the risk of losing to a proxy bid.

If you set your snipe for the maximum you're willing to pay, and you still lose, then you at least know the item sold for more than you were willing to pay. Smile

Since I've been using AS, I've saved a lot of money, because I've able to avoid the 'bidding wars'. Other bidders don't know I'm interested in an item until it's too late for them to raise their bids. Big Grin

Just remember to set your snipe for your maximum and have fun! Big Grin
Well said, star_trkr. I always enter the maximum amount I'm willing to spend. Remember, newcomers, that your maximum bid isn't necessarily the amount you will wind up spending. If a lower amount will take the auction, that's all you're liable for no matter how much your maximum is. Smile

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