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I need some information about using bidgroups. I believe this is the vehicle to use when trying to bid on successive (in time) auctions for the same item of one seller until one finally wins one auction for the item they want?????? Is this the correct tool for what I need????
How does one set the bidgroup up if a bidgroup is the correct mode of doing this? Thanks to anyone who wants to help me with this or has some info.
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Yes,a bid group allows you to added any number of auctions into what is called a "bid group folder". You then tell the folder how many items you want to win. It will keep bidding on those auctions, until it wins the number of auctions you specified, or runs out of auctions. Let's say you want to win 2 items out of 10 auctions - once you've won the 1st 2 items, the bid group folder stops bidding.

<click here for bid group help>
Last edited {1}
So if I add a number of snipes from the "My Snipes" section that may have different snipe amounts, how do I set what the max snipe is for a bid group? e.g. I want to keep bidding on items until I win 1 but I can't afford to pay anymore than $50. Or do Bid Groups simply bid up the price endlessly until you win 1?

Originally posted by Mrs.M:
Yes,a bid group allows you to added any number of auctions into what is called a "bid group folder". You then tell the folder how many items you want to win. It will keep bidding on those auctions, until it wins the number of auctions you specified, or runs out of auctions. Let's say you want to win 2 items out of 10 auctions - once you've won the 1st 2 items, the bid group folder stops bidding.

Originally posted by SuperSniper:
So if I add a number of snipes from the "My Snipes" section that may have different snipe amounts, how do I set what the max snipe is for a bid group? e.g. I want to keep bidding on items until I win 1 but I can't afford to pay anymore than $50. Or do Bid Groups simply bid up the price endlessly until you win 1?

Until you have won the correct amount of items, each item will be bid at the value set by you for that item - once you've won enough it stops bidding. So say you have 10 items and want 2 of them and you set your bids in order at 10, 11, 12, 13... maximum (very unlikely I know) - say that someone bids more on the first 2 but you win the 3rd (with a 12 max) at a closing price of 11.15 - then you don't get the next 2 but your next (15 max) does win - the bid group then stops bidding. If you get beaten on the first 9 then the last item will be bid at the figure you set (19).

If you want a total of 50 over 2 items you could simply set a max of 25 on each item in the bid group or try to make sure of at least one (perhaps near the end) with a 30 and the others set at 20 - it's up to you.

All the best - FS

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