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Hi, I just signed up for Auction Sniper and I need to know how the max bid works. If I put a max bid that is way over the current bid, will I snipe for the max bid or just the next incriment available over the current bid? Ex: if the current price is $200 and my max is $250, will I snipe at $202 or $250? If $250, do I just need to continue monitoring and changing my bid?
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Originally posted by cebiggs:
Ex: if the current price is $200 and my max is $250, will I snipe at $202 or $250?
Your snipe amount with be $250. If the high bid at the time your snipe is place is $200, you’d get it for $202.50 ($2.50 increment at that range). If the high bidder at the time your snipe is placed is higher, then up the ebay increment ladder you’ll go. If the other bidder bid $250, you don’t get it. If the other bidder bid $250 (with a $200 current price and no other bidders) and you bid $250.01 you get it.

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