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It's an eBay problem.

Auctions that end on the hour and half hour get missed often because of eBays allowing sellers to schedule listings their site gets overrun with bidders and sellers accessing the site at those times because of all the listings that sellers have done that the site slows to a crawl and a 5 second lead time isnt anywhere near enough, often times even 30 seconds isnt engouh then.

We compensate and place your bid early but even that isnt enough either sometimes.
When it's AS that's at fault, AS admits it. When it's eBay's fault you don't hear a peep out of them. And it's eBay's fault 99 times out of 100.

You can keep that warm fuzzy feeling by doing your homework when you set up a snipe. Is the auction closing on a Sunday afternoon or evening? That's eBay's busiest time and a 5-second lead time just won't hack it...won't chop through eBay's servers in time to be registered for the auction. Is the ending time an even hour, half-hour, or quarter-hour (XX:00:00, XX:30:00, XX:15:00, or XX:45:00)? As Sara B. says, there's such a rush of bids pouring in at those times that even a lead of 20 or 30 seconds isn't enough to make it through.

One last thought for this post: Always remember that it isn't necessarily the last bid that wins -- it's the highest bid. Every time. Wink
Last edited {1}
Hi, I recommended to my sister to use AS. welll she is not very happy with me now.
She had a snipe 3430573449 for 30 euro. suddenly an email arrives that the auction has ended and she did not win. winner payed EUR 18,14
ended: 19-sep-03 11:30:32 CEST

Reason above. there was no reason.
Status Summary: Ready
Your snipe could not be placed because of the reason above
She is very unhappy about this, so am i/ It was no sunday or tuesday. I visit this forumboard sometimes, but this is new for me.

Well what can i tell my sister?

p.s i have almost always won the auctions i wanted thanks to AS. So this is the first, no second one where it did not work out.
the other one was for my mum Big Grin
Haha i got all of my family to use AS. 2 sisters, my mother and a cousin. Smile

I am very proud of this handmade snipe i did for my muther.
she wanted 4 diferent dolls but had only 3 free snipes left. so 1 i had to do it myself. (her name is patty)

Begonnen 04-sep-03 21:31:53 CEST
Loopt af 09-sep-03 21:31:53 CEST

patty10_8( 1 ) US $56,75 09-sep-03 21:31:52 CEST
lizo34( 44) US $55,75 07-sep-03 19:10:48 CEST

one second Big Grin


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