There are still things I don't get about this sniper program stuff. The bid was won by another bidder who won by $.50. I had my maximum bid for a TV guide (through auction sniper, not the EBAY maximum) as $10.00. My bid went in, five seconds before the end of the auction, as it was supposed to do. My bid was $10.00. The bid amount before that one was $6.00. I was the highest bidder. It was only between me and one other bidder. The person outbidded me with a bid that was dated from the previous day that wasn't listed on the bidding history at the time of the original bidding. How did this happen? I don't have the numbers anymore, or the history to show you. So basically, what I'm saying is, that a person outbid me by $.50, with a bid that was for a date BEFORE the end of the auction. I know there is some ebay policy about previous bids taking precedence, but this bid was not even posted! First, it's at $6.00, then I lose. Can anyone tell me how this happened?
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