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Is there a way to delete multiple snipes at one time?

I have dozens of Bid Too Low and other losing snipes listed and I would love to get rid of them; but the only way I see to delete them is one at a time via the X icon in the upper right corner of each snipe. And as if deleting them one at a time is not enough of a carpal tunnel inducing, time abusing ordeal already: each one takes a relative internet age eternity to go away after clicking on the "X"--tending to lead one to abandon the procedure, rather than risk driving oneself mad.
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Hi TomBk,

Thanks for contributing to our forum. In order to remove multiple snipes from the main sections of your My Snipes page, you just need to check the boxes next to the ones you would like to remove and then click the grey "Archive" button that is located just above your list of snipes.

Similar to when you use the red “X” button next to a snipe on your Active, Won, Lost or Ended pages, doing so will send the selected snipes to the Archived page within your account.

If you would like to remove any of these snipes from your account entirely, you can then do so by going to the Archived tab on your My Snipes page, checking the boxes next to the ones you would like to remove and then clicking the “Delete” button - or, of course, using the red “X” button next to each individual snipe you would like to delete.

I hope this helps. If you need any further assistance with your account, please feel free to contact our Customer Support team by mousing over the “Help” tab within your account and selecting the “File Support Case” option.


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