But as a leading bidder, we should see the name. The internal ebay proxy does require you to place your bid on their server and only display the hihgest bid needed to maintain your leading position.
It's gotta be another type of sniping things that can fool the sever's clock as the time the snipe was placed onto the sniping software's clock, as opposed to be ebay's clock.
I just won a bid with AS and the final price is just one increment then the second highest bid. The second highest bid was nowhere to be found during the auction but all of a sudden, her bid came up 1 day b4 mine. Thankfully, I was fully expecting it and willing to pay more so AS snipes for more on my behalf.
Check this:
http://offer.ebay.ca/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewBids&item=5470577582When I placed the sniper bid yesterday, which was not shown on eBay's site, "deermere's bid at US $5.10" was the highest. All of a sudden, beatah123 bidded on Feb 16th and AS bidded for me jlee_28 on Feb 17th and thank God she's 50 cents shied.
Help!!! I hate hidden bidder!!