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I'm sure this is a FAQ, and I won't be offended to be pointed to it. AS just let me put two items into a bid group that end at exactly the same time (same exact second - not very smart of the seller, but there you go...).

Will AS end up entering bids on both of them, which might mean I end up winning both even though they're in the same bid group? Or will it choose just one and wait to see if it's successful, which means it'll miss the other?

It would be smart of AS to prevent this from happening - one line of code comparing end times would do it. (if time_diff < 30 then printf("Cannot enter items in the same bid group with ending times less than 30 seconds apart").

thanks /gourm/
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Rick - thanks for the FAQ pointer.

I still think it would be extremely simple for AS to put a warning flag or icon on the snipe to show it's too close to another snipe and might not fire. Why make the customer do the work and check every bid in a group to make sure the times are far enough apart? This is something computers are good at; let them do the work.
if time_diff < 30
I think it’s more complicated then that (the complexity increases in proportion to proximity of working on the task). The number of wins would have to be considered, and there could be several items (not just a couple) in the bid group. Doubtful AS will add it, but you could always file a support request (I suspect you know where the link is).
(if time_diff < 30 then printf("Cannot enter items in the same bid group with ending times less than 30 seconds apart").

If only AS had a decent programmer left - I think they all upped-sticks and went to work for Auctiva so very lttle work (read none!) takes place on AS's front end. Hence it looks old-fashioned and has annoying bits that never get fixed...


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