As a user, I must now decide if preventing a bidding war is worth the 1% fee to do so.
Hiya again Boris,
I know what you mean. Sometimes I just put the maximum I want to pay for the item in as a proxy and let it go. I figure, I am still not going to pay more than I am willing to. Last year I did this, and saved myself the $5US AS Fee.
Most of the time I tend to snipe though, and it DOES save you some money. Especially when a newbie bidder comes along and cant quite make up their mind what their Maximum is.
Proxy bid scenario.....
1 hour till end of auction - Newbie bidder bids $25 (opening price is $20) and then I enter my Max of $32.52 in ebay's proxy bidding system. I am leading bidder at $26. Newbie comes back and ups proxy to $30. I am leading bidder at $31. Newbie comes back and ups proxy to $35. Newbie wins auction (no other bidders) for $33.52 and I walk away saying "oh well, at least I didnt pay more than my Maximum".
Sniper Scenario....
1 hour till end of auction - Newbie bidder bids $25 (opening price is $20) and then I set my snipe for $32.52. Newbie bidder sits there and thinks "I am going to win this auction for $20!!!" Nobody else bids and then in the last few seconds....my snipe hits and >I< win the auction for $26!! Newbie bidder sits there shaking head wondering WTF happened?
Summation - Proxy Scenario = I didnt win but didnt pay more than I was willing. Sniper Scenario = I won for $6.52 less than my Max and AS charged me 26 cents, so total saving was $6.26.