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A 5 second lead time will work in 99.9% of listings. The other 1 in 1000 bids just takes eBay too long to process. There isn't much we can do. It's weird that every once in a while they take 10-20 seconds to process a bid.

We have code in place that monitors eBay reaction time and compensate, but there isn't a lot to be be done when one snipe takes 1/10th of a second to place and the next takes 20 seconds. And that is what's happening. And has always happened as long as we've run the service.

Having said that though we've got a few tricks up our sleeves and will be trying a few things to see what we can do to get it to be 100%.

Thank you
I did file a support with the last night's auction. Support Case # 101880

And the answer I got back was that it was caused by an unknown ebay server error.

Anyway, I just lost another auction, today. It said, "Status Summary: Unknown" Last night's message said "Status Summary: Lost"

I know you guys are working hard with the system upgrades, and I was able to save quite a bit of money using your service in the past, and I appreciate all that. But lately, I am getting little frustrated.

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