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That IP is your IP at home. Our ip is: or

That leads me to believe the problem is caused by something on your computer. Perhaps some firewall or other software running on your computer that is acting as a proxy server to try and stop you from getting a virus or ????

I bet when you run the same pluggin in firefox at work and everything works you're seeing our IP.
The problem is on both of my computers at home.
The desktop and the laptop.
I have not loaded firefox on the laptop only the desktop. I will load firefox on the laptop and take it to the office latter today or tomorrow.
The only firewalls that I am aware of at home is the XP Pro fire wall and what ever my Linksys Router might be doing.
I've tried going to several other sites on the internet using Firefox 3.0 with the plug in. The IP address in the bottom right corner remains the same. It is my IP address. The pages for most of these sites load okay with the exception of Auction Sniper and PayPal. I am having intermittent problems logging onto my account on the PayPal website??
Hi Bob,

I brought this issue up with our IT team and they are going to look into the possibility that something on our end is causing this. Can you please run a ping command to and then paste the results into a reply to this thread? You can run this command by doing the following:

1) Select "Run" from the Windows "Start" menu.
2) Enter "cmd" in the ensuing field and click "OK".
3) Then, in the black DOS window, type "ping" and press the "Enter" key

Here is what I got when I pinged

Pinging ( with 32 bytes of data:

Request timed out.
Request timed out.
Request timed out.
Request timed out.

Ping statistics for
Packets : Sent = 4, Received = 0, Lost = 4 (100% loss),

I can usually get to the Auction Sniper home page and to the "my snipes" page.

Once there I can't do anything from my home computers.
Thank you,
Hi Bob,

OK...the "ping" command you ran is resolving to the correct IP so I guess that's not the problem. Are you connecting to the internet through a proxy server by chance? If you are, you may be able to resolve this problem by purging the URL cache or direct object cache from your proxy server.

Proxy servers will generally store the IP addresses of sites you visit for 2 weeks by default and, if your proxy server still has our old IP range cached, that could be causing you to be unable to access most of the site. The frequency with which your proxy server refreshes its URL cache should be configurable from your end.

Let me know how it goes.

I didn't understand what you said about the ping command since I did not get a response how could you tell that it was resolving to the correct IP address?
I am using a linksys router/switch to connect to the internet. One of the first things Sara had me do was shut everything down and bring up the cable modem, router and then the computer.
I am still unable to add snipes from either computer at home via Comcast.
Hi Bob,

The main piece of information we were looking for from the "ping" command was the "Ping statistics for" statement. The time outs during the ping are actually to be expected. I'm going to have another chat with out IT team about this situation and I'll let you know if I come up with any other ideas.

In the mean time, it may be a good idea to contact Comcast and see if they have any ideas as to what may be causing this connection problem. I don't feel that the Comcast ISP as a whole is having trouble connecting to our system, but they still may be able to help.

I tried connecting to the Internet directly thru my cable modem with no router.
All of the pages loaded properly!!
I am using a Linksys BEFSR81 Router.
I reset it to the factory defaults and the pages would not load again?? I can not even get the prices to update on the AS website.
I'll be gone for the weekend. I guess I can contact Linksys next week and see if they have any ideas.
I see that's an 8 port router. How many other devices are plugged in. The next thing I'd try is unplugging all other devices from it. Then only having your 1 computer plugged in, and of course repower the BEFSR81 after unplugging everything. Basically I'd be curious if only your computer is plugged into the router if it then works.

Of course that's if you've got it up and running and connecting to the internet correctly after your reset to the factory defaults. Or may I assume that since you posted this you are up and running. I am also curious when you plugged into your cable modem directly what IP address did Firefox report for our site in the bottom right? Was it still your own IP or did it register ours this time?

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