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Help please!

What does it mean when you get a status of "DID NOT WIN"? This happened to me 2 times today, once my bid was $80.87 and the item sold for $69, the other time my bid was $80.87 and the item sold for $74.50. Using a bid group, all I am getting is "BID TOO LOW" on the ones I lose and the "DID NOT WIN" message on the ones I should have won. What's going on??

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This happened to me a few months back..The other person im bidding against mustve been using a snipe tool too or hes on proxy bid./i have never beaten a proxy bid before but Im sure I could if im willing to bid real high.Its a possibility too that the seller is bidding against his own auction.AS didnt bid fast enough in the last few seconds that ended up the other bidder winning the auction.
Even if your max bid is higher than the ending price youre still not going to win if the other guys max bid is higher than your max bid.
Hope this helps.
When someone else has a proxy bid set higher than their current bid, here's what happens:

a) AS sends in your bid, and the price gets incremented
b) eBay proxy-bids for the person who already bid
c) eBay proxy-bids for you

b + c repeat until someone's bid is on top. However, if your snipe gets in too late, then there might not be time for the process to finish.

I've got my snipe set at 7 seconds, and haven't had problems with the delay of proxy-bidding yet.
Thanks Grayson and Win_It_All, I understand how AS and proxy bids and minimum bid increments work. I've been using AS very successfully for over 3 years now with no problems until last week.

When everything works normally, the process works as Grayson describes and if someone has a higher proxy bid they will win the auction. I've got lots of lost auctions that say "BID TOO LOW" where this happens. I have just never lost an auction where my max bid was significantly higher than the winning bid. Looking at the results it appears that my bids never were posted to the auctions.

Strangely enough, I was trying to win a 1gb Sony memory stick for less than $90 including shipping. I lost about a dozen auctions (besides the 2 where my bid didn't kick in) to prices ranging from $90-$130 without shipping. Then yesterday one shows up for $79 Buy It Now with free shipping. So I guess the missed bids worked out okay after all.

Thanks for the help, good luck with your bids!

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