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I am sitting here spinning some really great classical records (right now Petrouchka/Gossens/Everest SDBR 3033) and hope that everyone's morning is just as great as mine. The sun is shining, its about 70; what could be better.
Dave "Eagles may soar, but weasels do not get sucked into jet engines." "Never, ever take a laxative AND a sleeping pill at the same time."
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I doubt this one's worth much but it is almost mint.

It was purchased locally in 1976 (I have the books) but was given to my father for wrecking in NSW about 6 years ago. Even he thought it was too good for that so when we were up there two years ago he offered it to me.

I won't go into the drama of getting it into a medium-small vehicle for the 1000 mile trip home! 'Specially with two dogs and a spouse who wasn't too keen on the idea.

I was still able to get a new drive belt and cartridge for it - without them it really would have been scrap. Finding the material to make new rubber motor mounts was difficult, they'd flattened out and hardened. You need something that absorbs vibration but is strong enough to hold the motor at the right height. Answer - the foam rubber used in flying model aeroplanes to protect the electronics from engine vibration! New speaker cloth and a good clean and there she is!

It's Japanese made and top of the range for its time so I'm very pleased with it, and that's all that matters.


"Heavy Metal or no metal at all!"
It’s spooky to think about all the “must-have” remotes one has. Go around the house and count them all. Don’t forget the garage door openers and the car door openers (I haven’t heard of a remote controlled can opener - has one major drawback). There are remote controls for sprinklers, alarm systems, fireplaces, air conditioners, drapes, blinds, and fans. A wireless keyboard can be considered a remote control. Perhaps wireless phones would be also. If so, then a cell phone is fairly remote. And, a cell phone (any phone) can act as a remote control. If any remote controlled toys such as cars, planes, trains, boats, or helicopters – they would have to be included. Now, if they could just make a remote control for teenagers (at a minimum something with a mute-button) – that would definitely be a “must-have”.
... and something else to consider while you’re inventorying all those remotes. All of you that have some smart bombs stashed away in the attic – yes, I’m afraid those have to be included. But, you’ll need not count the non-smart types.

(Not to get off the subject too much) Now, one would think that the non-smart bombs would be called dumb bombs. But, once again, to avoid insulting anyone or putting a negative spin on anything as positive as a bomb, some clever person come up with “gravity bomb” (I’m not making this up). Now a gravity bomb is about as redundant a phrase as gravity skydiver.
Originally posted by Dave:
I am sitting here spinning some really great classical records (right now Petrouchka/Gossens/Everest SDBR 3033) and hope that everyone's morning is just as great as mine. The sun is shining, its about 70; what could be better.

Sadly, no means of playing records any more - just CDs.
Listening to 'O soave fanciulla', 'Ebben ne andro lontana' and Sibelius 5 today. Sunny, 6 Celsius. Big Grin
My hi-fi stuff - mainly Quad - does not have a remote - you have to go a bit downmarket for that! Wink
Lol, Mike! I could ship you a few hundred remotes, if you like! Of course, none of them work anymore or I don't know what they go to.....
But, great music is great music , no matter what you play it on!
Btw, there is an eleven year old at Church that can play, perfectly, any classic you mention, perfectly, on the piano. He plays for us after Church if we ask. He is an amazing little boy!
Did you know that RCA is an abbreviation for Radio Corporation of America? Here’s their site:
I couldn’t find any “radios”, but happy to report they still sell remotes.

And, here’s RCA records:
but, no “records”, other than record hits and Gold/Diamond Records (there’s two ways to pronounce “record” - noun, verb). Obviously an artist would rather have a Gold Record than a Gold CD, assuming they have the wall space.

On Monday I need to dialup AT&T and order a new telegraph. Mine must be broken, as I haven’t gotten a telegram this entire year. I do want to thank whoever sent me the strip-a-gram – that was definitely wireless. The singing telegram I could have done without, as well as the gorilla-gram.

AT&T Wireless almost sounds like an oxymoron.

And, it’s about time people stop “dialing” phone numbers. With voice recognition, one needs not even “touch” or “push” anymore (Am I the only one that feels strange talking to a computer? Am I the only one that thinks that it’s a more meaningful discussion than one with some humans? – At least they’re polite and don’t get their feelings hurt.).

And #2, why not take everyone that still has a dial phone outside and shoot them? It would be better than all of the rest of us having to listen to the recorded instructions on what to do if we’re calling from a touchless/pushless phone – which none of us are.
My brother has several old gramophones of that era including a 'tabletop' version of the Victrola sort of thing. Also one of those ones with the giant brass horn like you see with the dog looking into.

None of my records was made earlier than the sixties however; I like the 'popular' classics but they've gotta be in stereo. Remote control isn't a must but electrical operation most certainly is!

My turn to say g'night - G'night!


"Heavy Metal or no metal at all!"
It's probably tempting fate to say this but I've never had a remote fail. The one for my 20yr old Pioneer hifi still works perfectly and is on only its second or third set of batteries.

On the other hand, the one for a late-model Panasonic VCR needs a frequent slap against your hand to make the batteries connect before it will deign to operate. The battery door falls off (probably as a result of such handling) and I curse its designer daily.

The DVD one is covered in arcane symbols and runes and I'm scared to press anything but Play and Stop in case I inadvertantly summon up Beelzebub into my lounge-room, or open the neighbours garage door - which would summon up the next-door neighbour, and I'd prefer Beelzebub!


"Heavy Metal or no metal at all!"
Never could understand 33 and a third. A 45 - yes (good caliber). Even a 78 (75 or 80 would have been easier to remember). But 33 “and a third”? Would anyone have noticed had they just said they were 33 (picture a techie with a watch counting revolutions for a minute)? If they thought someone would count, then why not just make them 33’s and forget the third? Does a third revolution a minute really make much difference (a little less than one percent of the total)? Maybe “they” were just trying to impress us? If so, then they should have made them 33 and a tenth. 45 is the difference of 33 from 78 – but there’s still that pesky “and a third”. This couldn’t have been random, and there must be a rational reason for it (I just can’t warm up to another Google today – my Ad-aware is tired – is there not a site “out there” that doesn’t add cookies?).

I wonder if there were different regions for styli?

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