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Actually Mrs M - Missouri is really nice. Reminds me of the area where my brother lives. You dont need sun and sand to have a good time anyways. Sand gets everywhere.

Puppy - we had 5 flights to get here Roll Eyes it was the pits!! The last two were just buses with wings and really uncomfortable. We did get some really lovely scenery though. We flew over Las Vegas and the Grand Canyon.
Originally posted by MG intern:
I just ordered three pages of new iris from Schreiners!!

MG - Schreiners has a booth at our flower & garden show every year ... I have to avoid it like the plague! I have iris's (irii?) on two sides of the greenhouse - and it's past time to divide them Smile The aphids attack them like crazy. I've been in an 'organic' phase up till now, but the ladybugs just don't do the job any more. I think this year it'll be the bad bug spray so I can bring them inside and enjoy them on the table Wink
MG Good Luck with the IRIS - sounds like next year you will have a bumper crop
Lexie your really moving - Garage sales are fun - I just bought a Mink Stole in mint condition for $3 so now have to find someone to sew me a winter Coon Skin Hat for next winter. May have to have it done in Minnesota where they know how to make them with big Ear Flaps that pull up and tie on top. Need it for shoveling snow.
Did you see that survey that was released this week that Chocolate is good
the last 6 months of pregnancy - It makes happier babies -- MG: Congratulations..
Good Morning Everybody!!

I am off to my first Flea Market today.

Chocolate: Sorry to say, your *Cabury* chocolate is nothing like ours. It doesnt taste anywhere near as awesome. I kinda liked the Hersey's I had yesterday though. I have just emailed my secretary and told her to go out on Monday and buy a heap of reduced Cabury stuff so Tyler and I will be set when we get home. Cool

Mory - I lived on Chocolate, Ice Cream and Fish when I was pregnant. Everybody said Tyler would either love it or hate it....thankfully he loves all three. Oh...and I didnt mean I would eat them all together. I never had *weird* cravings.

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