I found your auction when I was surfing on. I was interested your products that related to my bussines. Before I do some arrangement purchase, I have some questions here. This is about International order, that the item will be deliver to Indonesia, do you accept major credit card for the payment ? (I mean direct offline charging through Credit Card Merchant Machine..if you don't have credit card machine...maybe you have friends who works at shop/store..which usually have credit card machine..then you can charge my credit card there... and i will give you extra 25 % for you regarding this). So Sir/Madam, please confirm me with your information. Thank you.
When I stopped laughing long enough to pick myself up off the floor, I sent back an email basically saying that yes we can take your card offline. Please send a high resolution scan of your credit card, front and back with a scan of your passport and a credit card statement with the personal info blacked out. Then we'll need a scan of a personal check (voided of course) along with a copy of your monthly bank statement and a birth certificate. Also, please send your home and work phone numbers as well as the 800 number of your credit card issuer as well as the contact info of at least two sellers you've done business with in the United States in the last 90 days. I will call my credit card merchant services and your card issuer's customer service dept. and ask them to approve the sale and if they do we'll run the card and hold the funds for 90 days blah blah blah...
This person sent back an email:
No problem at all for me to provide the scan copy of the card and passport, so
with your authorization, i will make a bid on your item.
Please let me know
The problem is I already had several bids from Indonesian buyers who had emailed me asking for the same special services. Most of them bid before they emailed me. I list most items for international shipping and I didn't know that it's mostly the photo gear (small, expensive and better than cash in some countries) they prey upon. At this point, I couldn't separate the good bids from the chaff. I even amended the listing to say "Absolutely no shipping to Indonesia" as most sellers of photo gear do. They still kept bidding and asking for the "offline charging". I sold the camera to a buyer in Washington by de-listing it and relisting with a buy it now so he could buy it now before anyone else had a chance, but the question is, aside from not listing these items internationally, how can I avoid these bids from scam (and I use the term loosely

Is it OK to cancel a bid just because you think it's from a fraudulent source, or if you state "no bids from: Indonesia" is that how you make it ok? Anyone have any experience with this?