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What they do is track when their listing count is set to hit it's minimum. Then they do their 7 day free listing day 7 days before that day.

Because that dip happens on a different day each year they wait until late december to plot it out and then decide when to have the free listing day.

They usually announce it somewhere around 5pm-7pm the day before.

Here is where you can check:

They'll post there once they decide so if you checked daily at 8 or 9pm or first thing in the morning you'll know.

These are just my own opinions of how they do it but I've been around for 5 years of these or more and that seems to be how it goes.

My guess is for the 27th or 28th, or the 22nd or 23rd
Turned out to be a 10-cent listing day on the 27th. I started 63 auctions, asking ridiculously high prices on about half the items and reasonable prices on the rest. Sold a couple of high-priced items and many of the reasonably priced; total sales of about $325 (bid price only).

Considering the listing fees would have been over $35 on a "regular" day, I am happy with the results. Didn't have time to prepare listings for everything I wanted to sell (some old records, for example), but waiting one more year won't matter ...

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