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This message is intended for AS people; I somewhere on the site that they're interested in any ideas for new software related to eBay.
My ideea is to create an algorhytm which would automatically detect fraudulent listings, posted via hijacked accounts. There are a few patterns that need to be looked for and you get a very accurate return, at least on the most obvious listings. If anyone is willing to work on something like this in their spare time or just want to come up with suggestions for this, please don't hesitate to post. eBay might even be interested...
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eBay could sure use it. I sent them about 2 dozen hijacked accounts in a day or two a while back.

It's easy to tell when someone is selling a $,$$$ item for $$$ and is requesting western union. And they were 1 day listings. Lol.

I'm not sure why but almost all the hijacked accounts were UK ones. Maybe people in the UK aren't as aware of getting their passwords stolen from these stupid account jacking emails that people send out.

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