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Apparently AS came back on line shortly after 5 PM EST. By that time, one snipe I had scheduled lapsed and went unbid. I manually bid on three others and won them all, with AS coming online belatedly and sniping the last two of them for me anyway. So that cost me two snipes. I figure AS owes me one of those for the one that went unbid. URL will be furnished privately to AS on request.
Here are several articles on the Internet worm that slowed the Internet, and crippled many places. Including the facility where we colocate all of our servers. In many places entire countries networks were clogged to the point nothing worked.

While we cant control the internet or these vicious hackers who wreak havoc on the entire world, and economy we still offer free credits to anyone who has a missed snipe.

You can get your free snipes at:

I appologize for the late update on why things were missed, but the news didn't break until early this morning as to the cause and we spent all day working with our colo to ensure they got all the bad things worked out with their other customers to the network wasn't clogged. We make no money when we dont snipe. And we lose additional money for the free snipes we then credit. Which ends up costing us about double what the missed snipes would have brought in. So believe me when I say we never ever want to miss a snipe, it costs us dearly. And we're just a small operation. I can only imagine what these hackers cost the world in lost productivity and revenues. Certainly in the hundreds of millions. And yet will they ever be caught? Probably not. Hunted down like the criminals they are? Not likely. Our legal system, and abilities to catch them just aren't up with the technology out there yet...

Anyways, I am again very sorry for any snipes we missed, and hope you will please accept the free snipes by clicking this url:

Thank you

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