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I've confirmed that setting your clock on your computer correctly fixes this.

We're going to try and make it so that countdown uses our timer so that it's always right.

It's impossible for us to ensure a customers clock will be right. It's easy to accidently set the clock to the wrong day,month, or year. So even though the time on the clock looks right the day/month/year/timezone, etc could still be wrong and screw up our countdown.

I am in the UK & having problems with the time, I just tried to add a snipe with two hours to go but A.S. says bidding has ended for this item, my PC clock is correct checked against GMT but all my snipe are out by 8 hours (ahead) so A.S. will be bidding 8hours to early, time zone in A.S. set for GMT.

Any help most welcome.


Lee Confused
Hallooo, all,

I'm sensing from the messages above that 'a few minutes' have passed and the problem is now resolved. Except my times are still funky.

Or, rather, the times are correct but the countdown is wrong. The auctions appear to have the correct translation of Pacific to Central. They appear to be correct in relation to eachother (ends at 10:30, ends at noon, it seems there is a correct 1.5 hours between them).

But the countdown says they start ending, say, 10 hours from now. It's actually not even 5 hours? That sort of thing.

***Also, shouldn't this little update have ended up as an announcement in the first forum? Such that all updates about the fact that it doesn't work quite right could also be there? And there wouldn't be hundreds of different people posting the same question, in all different threads, over and over?

Remaining calm,
I looked at your post again, and realized you may be talking about 'end time' and not 'time till end'. If that is the case, then YES, it could be the new time zone feature. You can now display the auction end time in your local time. To set the time zone:

Click My Snipes
Click Modify Account
Go down to time zone in display options and set.
Click Update My Account Information (all the way at the bottom)

If you want to set to eBay time, use UTC -08:00
or you can enter your own timezone.

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