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This has been a very interesting exercise Gunny, think we've all learned a bit.

Mac's are still popular with artwork houses who swear by them and look down their noses at the PC fraternity. Whether they are still justified in their attitude, I can't say, but old habits die hard.

For that reason I have to be familiar with Macs at work as well as PC - we get artwork in a huge variety of programmes and formats, in both Mac and PC. All the 'serious' artwork packages (Illustrator/Quark/Photoshop) have Mac versions.

Schools used to be big Mac users here but have swung inexorably over to PC in the last few years, so fewer students would be leaving with Mac skills. From what I've learned, Mac memory handling is inferior to that of the PC, and that seems to be borne out by my experience.

There used to be a song about 'Gabardine Macs' but I've only seen plastic ones.


The Gods made Heavy Metal
And They saw that it was Good.

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