I have an excellent history on eBay (no negatives or neutrals over 6 years and 500+ items bough). I recently purchased two items from a seller and paid on his website via credit card within 24 hours of auction close. The seller left a non paying bidder strike and 4 antagonistic emails 35 days later on 12-5. I emailed him with a copy of his receipt and told him that I had paid and that if he wanted to work this out he could contact me but if he was going to be adversarial about it I would turn him into the Credit Card Company and eBay for non shipment of goods. He then asked are you sure you don't have the merchandise.
I responded no and he said he would send the items out. I left a neutral feedback that said "Paid w cc day after auction |took 35+ days to get DVD|seller lost record of pmnt"
He then responded with a negative feedback and no comment so I replied "please leave detailed FB for other sellers on why they shouldn't sell to me"
My problem is I get more and more non payment ( about 3-4 a month) from sellers who have been paid and I have to spend time proving I have paid them as they have lousy record keeping systems.
What’s a buyer to do; it seems to me that this is getting worse.