From my own support case and the related topics here I see that the recommended solution to the incorrect end date snipe problem is "it will not be possible to remove that snipe from your My Snipes page to allow you to place a new snipe on the item so, if you would like to submit a higher maximum bid, I recommend placing that bid manually through the eBay website." That frankly is unacceptable. Reliability is a cornerstone of the value of this service and while nothing is perfect it is not acceptable to simply say that you cannot correct existing problems that still have time remaining before they become moot. I would still like an answer ASAP on how to delete or modify an existing snipe that has this problem. If the system says the bid has been place and the auction has ended than it should be simple to modify the program to delete it. Alternative, if the snipe is still active and the auction date has not be passed, if should be simple to modify the snipe to reflect the correct end date. If not, the program has major issues. I realize that this may not be as simple as it appears but walking away from the problem by suggesting that you convert the bids for those snipes to manual action, which may actually cause the existing snipes to bid against you, is not a solution. If fact, it is not even clear what those existing snipes will do from this point on. Again, either they will work in the future, which means they should be corrected or they will not which means they should be deleted. Surely this is not beyond you all.
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