They didn't sell.
She relisted and they still disn't sell.
I offered $10 for the pair incl. P&P to the UK which she accepted.
I paid by PayPal.
Next, I'm stung for £10 in VAT by customs because she had declared their value as $50.

Seems the UK customs will charge you for items > £18 so I've just paid an extra $16 approx for her exaggeration.
[I doubt that an appeal to Customs and Excise will work as this is the same organisation that will impound and sell you car if you bring in too many cigarettes from France even though the EU (of which we are a member) no longer sets limits! No trial, no appeal - they just take it and sell it!]
I've asked her to do the honourable thing and send me some cash but I am not holding my breath!
Top tip - get your seller to mark the Customs Declaration as a Gift and less than £18 or prepare to pay even more money...