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I'm new to this and bumbling. . .

I posted two snipes for the same item (different vendors) - and then learned about bidding groups. So I deleted the snipes, thinking to start over. But when I tried to re-enter them and put them in a group, I was told that the snipe already existed. It's not on the list of active snipes; it's on the list of deleted snipes and marked deleted.

Help! Thank you!
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The My Snipes screen is not very intuitive!

The correct procedure is to create the group as a bid group and add the items. Or set up the items, create the group (as a bidgroup) and move them into it. That said, as soon as you do that they'll disappear unless you Choose FolderAll Snipes (top left of the My Snipes Screen).

So wait a bit then try again. Or click on the Help Tab and send in a support request.


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