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I don’t understand the difference between manual sniping and automated sniping, except that automated snipers are smarter. A snipe is a snipe. Is this like the military’s policy of “Don’t ask; Don’t tell”?

If I’m caught speeding do I get a ticket if I’m driving an automatic, but only a warning if I’m driving a manual transmission? Is automated murder somehow worst than manual murder?

Suppose I set my alarm clock to wake me up so that I can place a manual snipe. Does the seller appreciate what I did? If I did that too often, my performance could suffer and I might end up without a job to pay for my successful snipes.

Perhaps there are some that are closet ASer’s. They use AS, but don’t want anyone to know. Well, if you’re worried about sellers knowing you use AS, maybe, it’s really you that thinks it’s wrong, immoral, or whatever. Does it make any difference what a seller’s views are on sniping? There are other sellers that are willing to accept your money.

p.s. – Be sure to review Instamail on “My Account” Wink, and use 8+ second lead time (more during prime times), and delete bid groups after you use them.
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Rick: "I don’t understand the difference between manual sniping and automated sniping, except that automated snipers are smarter."

Another difference is that manual snipes are free. There's also the adrenalin rush that computers don't get when they place a bid on your behalf. Big Grin

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