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Oh they SAY hey#re working on it, and they are VERY polite about saying it too :-)) But nothing is really happening. I wonder what is going on *up there*? It would be so much nicer if "someone" "somewhere" would just say what has been happeing lately: snipes not being placed or being placed totally out of time, items not being deletable etc. it sounds as if there is a REAL problem on the horizon. LAtely I am having the thought that I might just as well use eBay's bidding system to be on the safe side which, frankly, sucks...
I am sorry to be blunt, but I am not convinced Charoseth of the validity of your complaint or outburst.

There is, unfortunately a competitive advantage to be gained by denigrating AS.

If you had built up a record over the past months/years as a member of this forum, then one could say "regular guy, having problems"

So to put our minds at rest, will you please go over to the adjacent thread and post the replies to a simple questionnaire I have posted. Then we will see if you have a genuine problem and we can perhaps see our way forwards to a solution.


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